OUR AUGUST was awesome!
We have spent the August concentrating on all of our pre bonsai stock. The last 2 weeks of July and first 2 weeks of August we worked on our old large pines and Maples.
The Japanese Red and Black Pines, and the Japanese Maple were cut back hard and given a major root prune. This stock will be ready for sale in Spring.
Pre bonsai stock from our smallest trees has also been worked on and this years range is better than ever. Much of this work you can see on our facebook page.
I have completed the end of winter clean up on most bonsai. It is important to remove all old foliage, weeds and check for insects and disease. This will ensure bonsai are ready
for spring.
Stephen has cut much of the lave rock we collected from a quarry in June and our rock table is overflowing we great pieces.
Now is a great time to select pre bonsai stock and prepare for spring.
We are also having a sale on a range of Bougainvillea: - $100 each and if you buy 2 you get one free. You can view more details of this on our facebook page.